Жизнь без часов полна дискомфорта, поэтому в спешке он начинает искать ближайшую часовую мастерскую – к дому, к работе, к ближайшей транспортной развязке, и в такую случайную мастерскую в конечном счете и попадают его часы.
This new version is an important milestone of stability for Drupal 8. It adds under-the-hood improvements to enable stable releases of key contributed modules for layouts, media, and calendaring. Many other core experimental modules have also become stable in this release, including modules for displaying form errors inline and managing workflows. The release includes several very important fixes for content revision data integrity as well as an update to stop the deletion of orphaned files that was causing data loss for many sites, alongside numerous improvements for site builders and content authors.